But If It Is Bendy Doesn’t That Mean They Will Not Last As Long Because Wouldn’t That Mean The Meterial Is Lower Quality Because Do You Reallyyy Think Most Companies Are Spending Top Dollar On Flexible Andd Durable Meterials? That Would Mean Less Sales
Thank you for your site! As a sewer, I use your info to buy good quality, well made products only after looking at the construction Your saving me $. THX
Buy shoes with a back on them first and foremost. After being a ballet dancer for many years my ankles have shorted out on me. Having a shoe with a back on it prevents and helps protect your foot from injuries. Speaking from a place of being in a boot for over a year.
These shoes are leather soled! they will soften up with wear. If they are soft and bendy when you buy them, they are more flexible/comfy but they will not last as long. Some of l’intervalle’s sandals have synthetic outsoles but lots of them are 100% leather, so the stiffness is actually a sign of quality! There’s some discomfort breaking them in, but after some wear they become molded to your foot and last FOREVER. I’ve never purchased from l’intervalle so I can’t speak to their quality at all, but I’ve seen you make this remark about sole stiffness in a few shorts and wanted to specify that leather soles should absolutely be the exception to this rule
I would also avoid most of these that have a very narrow strap or only cover the front 1/3 of the foot. It makes so much noise and the sole flaps around! I like sandals that start at about 1/2 of the foot and wraps around my feet more for support.
A while back the heels with the stiletto flush to the back of the heel were all the rage and pretty much all you could find in stores. I hated the look and couldn’t understand why women were endorsing that style when the shoes were so uncomfortable to walk in. This was maybe around 7-8 years ago
Hiw do you all wear these without losing them? I just don’t understand how they stay in place. I always have to wear shoes that have at least straps, because otherwise the just slide right of.
Very educational video with lots of good tips. Thank you for not making 5 parts for this and instead putting all the necessary information into one video. You’ve got yourself a new subscriber!
I love your content! It would be helpful if you were a little lower in the video so I could see the shoe
Can you do a video on buying patent leather shoes ? (And how to keep them looking nice
I never thought about the heel placement!
These are slides, not sandals.
But If It Is Bendy Doesn’t That Mean They Will Not Last As Long Because Wouldn’t That Mean The Meterial Is Lower Quality Because Do You Reallyyy Think Most Companies Are Spending Top Dollar On Flexible Andd Durable Meterials? That Would Mean Less Sales
How to buy a quality pair of sneakers for long walk?
Thanks so much for this
You are amazing. I appreciate you and the information
Maybe one day
I can’t afford most of what u speak of but I have good tatse
Thank you for your site! As a sewer, I use your info to buy good quality, well made products only after looking at the construction Your saving me $. THX

She just cancelled German sandals in a single video
Buy shoes with a back on them first and foremost. After being a ballet dancer for many years my ankles have shorted out on me. Having a shoe with a back on it prevents and helps protect your foot from injuries. Speaking from a place of being in a boot for over a year.
These shoes are leather soled! they will soften up with wear. If they are soft and bendy when you buy them, they are more flexible/comfy but they will not last as long. Some of l’intervalle’s sandals have synthetic outsoles but lots of them are 100% leather, so the stiffness is actually a sign of quality! There’s some discomfort breaking them in, but after some wear they become molded to your foot and last FOREVER. I’ve never purchased from l’intervalle so I can’t speak to their quality at all, but I’ve seen you make this remark about sole stiffness in a few shorts and wanted to specify that leather soles should absolutely be the exception to this rule
I hate hard flats that aren’t sneakers. Especially if they don’t have cushion. Even just a tiny heel is better and more comfortable in my experience
Can you show us if it’s possible to find quality at H&M at all?
There’s no bend in my Birkenstocks and they’re comfy
I would also avoid most of these that have a very narrow strap or only cover the front 1/3 of the foot. It makes so much noise and the sole flaps around! I like sandals that start at about 1/2 of the foot and wraps around my feet more for support.
I love me some Clark’s!
Swedish wooden clogs
I have such big feet, none of these will fit :/
i also heard that if you can go on your tippy toes while wearing the heels they will be more comfortable
I only wear block heels
The tip about the position of the heel seems so simple but never thought of it.
The single most painful shoe I ever wore was like that first one you showed.
Love this brands lots of them i have
You’re the best!!! Thank you for all your information that you’ve given me. I sincerely appreciate it so much.
I really don’t get ho people are able to walk on completely flat shoes. Even my slippers for walking at home aren’t flat
Yeah, but those are ugly
A while back the heels with the stiletto flush to the back of the heel were all the rage and pretty much all you could find in stores. I hated the look and couldn’t understand why women were endorsing that style when the shoes were so uncomfortable to walk in. This was maybe around 7-8 years ago
How is the quality of L’Intervalle shoes?
Your channel is the best tbh like I love quick no bs practical helpful advice for girlies
I will never understand how the heel in the middle of the shoe is supposedly better, I cant even stand on those without falling over
thank you!!!
currently nursing some blisters i got from walking all day in my flat aldo sandals
Your videos are so helpful!!
You’ve taught me so much thank you for this content! I feel like a more informed shopper
Hiw do you all wear these without losing them? I just don’t understand how they stay in place. I always have to wear shoes that have at least straps, because otherwise the just slide right of.
Whenever I see your video pop up on my fyp it’s an immediate like
Does anyone need this? Like, who is this for?
Please check out Ecco, I just got the best casual sandals I’ve ever had there. Thank you for your content, I learned a lot from you
Birkenstocks have left the chat
such good advice thanks
How did you learn all these things!
Why couldn’t i have found out about you before i had my heel craze?
Very educational video with lots of good tips. Thank you for not making 5 parts for this and instead putting all the necessary information into one video. You’ve got yourself a new subscriber!
Can you do a video for platform shoes?
Thank uu